The Three R's. The things that keep us going. The mental fuel to our metaphorical engine. Let's start with relaxing. They call our core class "Basic Science." However, the unfortunate thing is that it's no longer basic. It's advanced, brute memorization of structures and concepts that I can briefly remember and explain for a matter of a few days before it's onto the next foreign idea. Anyways, following this test on December 21st, it was time to let loose. That day was filled with significant, afternoon drinking, followed by a nice get-together with the grandparents. The next morning was filled with packing and traveling back to Minnesota. Some people can't stand the thought of flying, or even just being at the airport in general. However, it's one of my favorite things to do. Flying is such a classy and concentrated method of traveling. Furthermore, seeing outside a window at that height is simply something you need to stop and concentrate on. It's as if the histology pictures that we're forced to study suddenly resemble the environment below. Variation in the many acres of land begin to look like the inner and outer foldings of mitochondria, along with some snow filling the role as the mitochondrial matrix. The interstate on-ramps and off-ramps begin to resemble an inversely-colored replica of the mire readings of a keratometry assessment. When all of this starts occuring, as depressing as it may be, you at least know you're retaining something from the many hours you put into learning it. Anyways, this plane ride was the tell-tale sign that break had started, and I had about ten days to hide away from school.
Now that I was back home, it was time to reconnect. Many friends and classmates hate this aspect of my hometown. It's interesting to hear how far some people have branched out over time, or how others have discovered that they're already content and are comfortable with staying in the area. Regardless, it's always intriguing to hear what they have to say. It gets you thinking about your origins with them, and how you still spark all kinds of memories simply for just seeing the person in general. And whatever they say, it's usually something that sparks your interest even further and makes you want to learn more, or it's something that repels you and reminds you to steer clear. Regardless, either way, it's something that leads you to Revamping.
Revamping. Going home keeps you on track. It lets you identify how to process things, and really gives an opportunity at some true introspection. It puts you in an area where you've been forced to compensate for the longest time. It takes the variability of your surroundings out of the equation, and makes you really concentrate on what you're doing in life. As for me, it makes me remember the process I took in determining who/where I wanted to be after college. Since that's passed, it gives me time to look back at the decisions I've made, and let's me objectively process it. And how have I processed it so far you may ask? I'm not exactly sure. Maybe I'll get an even better outlook on things next time I'm home :). Until then, wish me luck (See LOTD).
Follow Your Bliss,
LotD: (Blink 182 - Going Away To College)
"I haven't been this scared in a long time,
And I'm so unprepared, so here's your valentine,
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody,
This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me..."